Holz Ruser
1972 – 2022

Founded by Claus Ruser
becoming more and more digital
annual quantity: ca. 55,000 solid cubic metre
Products: Squared Timber, Bark, wood chips

Building Sawmill 2
Battens were added to the assortment of squared timber, bark and wood chips – an enlargement of the production facilities was inevitable. This is how the construction of sawmill 2 began, including a log sorting system for short timber and the purchase of a double-shaft cross-cut saw for the production of slat assortments.

Building Sawmill 3
The enlargement continues to process the annual quantity of 200,000 m³ timber. Sawmill 3 was added as well as a new log yard for large timber including a board sorting plant.
Sideboards were added to the previous products, squared timber, bark, wood chips and slats.
12 hectar Premises
The products also continued to expand. In 1998 they were as follows: squared timber, bark, wood chips, sideboards, economy formwork, rough tongues, slats.
Our first Hundegger
A major new advance was the purchase of the first Hundegger P10 carpentry machine.
Today we have a capacity of approx. 400,000 linear meters of CNC joinery!
Holz Ruser GmbH & Co KG
full automatic plane
• Sections from 18/60 to 120/300,
with chamfer, round edge or without.
• Production lengths are from 2500 mm to 6000 mm
– Cut to mm accuracy on request.
• Double lengths will be bundled and cut to exact length
….. and all in one work cycle.

Celebrating 50 Years!

Become a member of the Holz Ruser family!
We are nice people and we are looking for nice people to work with us.
Holz Ruser understood itself as a big family, and we all would be delighted to welcome you as our newest family member.
No matter whether as an apprentice or trainee or as completely skilled employee - Holz Ruser offers a rock-solid Job at one of the most innovative sawmills in Europe.